Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ask the President

I read this morning where the White House has opened up a Q & A for the public. You can ask the president questions on a variety of topic and vote on already submitted questions as to whether you like them or not.

There are the usual "legalize marijuanna" questions, which would do little, in my opinion to benefit the average taxpayer, the economy or our farms. However there are some sound questions about education, the economy, health care, and other topics that people have submitted. I asked two myself

The first was a question I have yet to hear an answer to. Where is the funding coming from for all the spending on these stimulus packages? AND, if the president pushes a greener more frugal lifestyle, what is the White House doing to practice what they preach, such as turning off lights, lowering thermostats, watching office supply use, etc?

Check it out.

1 comment:

Jacque said...

It sure gives us something to think about.