Sunday, January 10, 2010

A "lazy" Sunday afternoon.

I discovered when I returned home from church that I was going to have the house to myself. Well if you don't count, Chernobyll, "the always underfoot", and Lunatic, "Miss, Do I want inside or outside?". My son who is visiting from Houston, wanted to go spend the day with friends, so he borrowed my car. Being without transportation and a whole afternoon free,I was faced with a what to do dilemma.

Granted I have plenty to do around here. There is the inevitable laundry, the fact that even though we just cleaned the living room, you can't tell. Between visitors, a toy strewing toddler, and the need for extra jackets and blankets these days, the living area is a bit less neat. There is the refrigerator that is in dire need of a hosing down, and I do need to foray under the stove and the fridge on a magnet hunt. Chernobyll considers it her mission in life to play magnet hockey with those to locations as goal. I could try to up my bowling and tennis skills on the Wii. I am the token loser in the family. Everyone can beat me easily. There was the fact that I could take the entire afternoon and curl up with a library book. The girls and I are reading through the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. Hilarious books by the way.

What I decided to do was to give my desk area a serious purge. I sorted last years receipts in preparation for adding the tax deductions. I tossed out cancelled checks and registers from 2005. I also tossed old computer software disks that are designed for windows 98. Yes I still had some. I hung a couple of pictures of the grand and her parents by the desk. And then I hosed the whole thing down, making my glass top surface look nearly fingerprint and kitty paw print free. I should have taken a picture. My desk doesn't look that good for long.

After that was done, I moved on to my broken, sad looking jewelry box. I bought that stupid thing last year and it fell apart within a few months. What I get for buying it on clearance at Ross. I don't have that much in the way of jewelry but I still needed to go through the thing and weed out broken chains, unmatched earrings, and toss the box. I stuffed what was left into two smaller boxes until I find something better. I then dusted the shelf it had once sat on, plus the rest of the room. Then I gave the master bath a wash down, and ran the vacuum.

That all took me a total of four hours. It is amazing what amount of time sorting, purging and reorganizing takes. It is one of those tasks that needs to be done, but is best done with no interruptions. The laundry, the dishes, the Mr. Potato head parts will be there awaiting attention later. I still think I had a well spent afternoon. Now where is that novel?

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